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Kombucha in Ecuador

enjoy a refreshing kombucha after a yoga or surf class

There is nothing more refreshing than a ice cold #Kombucha after a hard workout, that is why we have started to make it right here at #OtraOla, to quench your thirst after a satisfying #surf or #yogaclass. Here are some reasons why you should try #Kombucha.

#Kombucha is a fermented beverage made from tea, and sugar (we use #organic sugar cane at #OtraOla). It has been around for centuries in many differnent cultures. It contains a colony of bacteria and yeast that are responsible for initiating the fermentation process. After being fermented, probiotics and a high concentration of acid (acetic, gluconic and lactic), contribute to the effects of:

Improved Digestion Weight Loss Increased Energy Cleansing and Detoxification Immune Support Reduced Joint Pain Cancer Prevention Improves Pancreas Fuction Improved Mood (helps with anxiety and depression)

Why not try it. At #OtraOla we make our own #Kombucha and are always experimenting with new flavors. If you have any questions please dont hesitate to ask us. Our motto is "You are what you eat" and we are striving to offer affordable options to improve your health. We know from our own experiences the toil traveling can take on your body. We are always looking for ways to help give people options to rejunvanate the body, mind and soul. Come join us at #OtraOla for a cool drink and a #relaxing afternoon reading a book in a hammock. We look forward to your visit and safe travels.

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Surf Classes & Rentals +593 98 884 3278 whats app

Monday - Sunday                  9:00am - Sunset

Spanish Classes

Monday to Friday                  9:00am - 5:00pm







Las Tunas & Ayampe Manabi, Ecuador


+593 98 884 3278 (Ryan) whats app

+593 96 287 0438 (Gabriel) whats app




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